Volunteer Efforts Archives - Comfort Dental https://comfortdental.com/category/volunteer-efforts/ Get comfortable with comfort. Thu, 12 May 2022 23:32:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/comfortdental.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Favicon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Volunteer Efforts Archives - Comfort Dental https://comfortdental.com/category/volunteer-efforts/ 32 32 74381054 Care Day https://comfortdental.com/care-day/ Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:47:19 +0000 https://comfort.303-dev.com/?p=5537 The post Care Day appeared first on Comfort Dental.

The post Care Day appeared first on Comfort Dental.

Make A Wish Program https://comfortdental.com/make-a-wish-program/ Mon, 13 Jan 2014 19:08:12 +0000 https://comfort.303-dev.com/?p=5215 Last December Comfort Dental Belleview & Simms in Littleton, CO did a KS107.5 Make A Wish Program. They responded to an email a woman sent regarding her mother. “There is no way in life I could ever repay her for taking such good care of me and my brother but I thought this could help […]

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Last December Comfort Dental Belleview & Simms in Littleton, CO did a KS107.5 Make A Wish Program. They responded to an email a woman sent regarding her mother. “There is no way in life I could ever repay her for taking such good care of me and my brother but I thought this could help a little… She has tried so hard to find employment but due to her severe diabetes and lack of health and dental insurance it is nearly impossible. You see my mom has lost half of her teeth because of diabetes and when she goes in for interviews they judge her… My one wish is to help her with any dental work that can be done. She is always in pain and I just for once want to see her happy and smile so big nothing can hide it.”

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Healing Waters International https://comfortdental.com/healing-waters-international/ Thu, 25 Apr 2013 20:42:21 +0000 https://comfort.303-dev.com/?p=5414 The Comfort Dental Ohio office recently sponsored a water filtration unit through Healing Waters International based in Golden, CO. It was installed in a daycare that cares for 300+ children in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Todd Beckman and his family went down over Spring Break for the inauguration. These amazing photos were taken by Lauren […]

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The Comfort Dental Ohio office recently sponsored a water filtration unit through Healing Waters International based in Golden, CO. It was installed in a daycare that cares for 300+ children in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Todd Beckman and his family went down over Spring Break for the inauguration. These amazing photos were taken by Lauren Shepard who is in charge of media for HWI.

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Unified Basketball League https://comfortdental.com/unified-basketball-league/ Thu, 07 Feb 2013 19:25:18 +0000 https://comfort.303-dev.com/?p=5251 Comfort Dental partnered with the Denver Nuggets and Special Olympics Colorado to raise awareness about the Unified Basketball League. View the photos below!

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Comfort Dental partnered with the Denver Nuggets and Special Olympics Colorado to raise awareness about the Unified Basketball League.


View the photos below!

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Humanitarian Trip to Guatemala https://comfortdental.com/humanitarian-trip-to-guatemala/ Wed, 09 May 2012 19:23:55 +0000 https://comfort.303-dev.com/?p=5220 Matt Carlson and Dustin Craven from the Brighton, Colorado office took a humanitarian trip to Guatemala last fall. They used portable dental units, generators, and air compressors to provide desperately needed dental services to the people who live there. Attached is a video Matt took of the children singing them a song as a thanks […]

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Matt Carlson and Dustin Craven from the Brighton, Colorado office took a humanitarian trip to Guatemala last fall. They used portable dental units, generators, and air compressors to provide desperately needed dental services to the people who live there. Attached is a video Matt took of the children singing them a song as a thanks for their generosity.

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Centennial Office Helps a Drug Rehab Center https://comfortdental.com/centennial-office-helps-a-drug-rehab-center/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 19:44:23 +0000 https://comfort.303-dev.com/?p=5339 The Centennial Office in Colorado takes care of the oral health for a drug rehab center. The office did 75 thousand dollars in free dental care for the center last year. This is one of the patients holding a scrapbook they made for us.

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The Centennial Office in Colorado takes care of the oral health for a drug rehab center. The office did 75 thousand dollars in free dental care for the center last year. This is one of the patients holding a scrapbook they made for us.

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